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Sleep Apnea

Sleep Better With Our Treatment

  • Dr. Resek understands sleep apnea, as he has it himself
  • Enjoy less intrusive relief with a custom-made sleep appliance
  • Our team uses advanced tech to spot signs of sleep apnea

Feel Rested by Treating Your Sleep Apnea in Oakmont, PA

Perhaps no one understands sleep apnea in Oakmont better than someone who has it. At Oakmont Advanced Dentistry, that’s Dr. Todd Resek. After suffering from headaches and low energy, he got relief with sleep apnea treatment – and you can, too.  Our team can:

  • Perform an in-office screening using sophisticated equipment like our cone beam CT scan, which gives us a good look at your airway, your sinuses, and other anatomy
  • Work with local health care providers to arrange an at-home sleep apnea test, if necessary
  • Help determine the best course of sleep apnea treatment for your particular case
  • Fit you for a custom sleep apnea appliance that will relieve symptoms so you can get a good night’s sleep

Call Oakmont Advanced Dentistry at 412-206-6825 to schedule a consultation. You’ll be snoozing soundly again in no time!

Improve Your Sleep Quality With an Oral Appliance

Dr. Resek’s own sleep problems inspired him to become a member of the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine, which keeps its members up-to-date on the latest treatments for sleep disorders.

The two most commonly prescribed types of sleep apnea treatment are a sleep apnea appliance and a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine. Both work by keeping your airway open as you sleep. The appliance does so by gently shifting your jaw forward. The CPAP does so with a constant flow of air.

An appliance generally works well for mild to moderate cases of obstructive sleep apnea, while a CPAP is more effective for severe cases. The most effective treatment is one that is used consistently. Many people find an appliance more comfortable and less restrictive than a CPAP, which means they’ll be more likely to wear it.

Even sleep apnea sufferers who usually use a CPAP may prefer an appliance in certain situations. Since an appliance is easier to transport and requires no electricity or battery, it’s a great option when traveling.

Don’t Ignore Sleep Apnea Symptoms

A dentist is often one of the first to notice sleep apnea signs such as a wide palate, wide tongue, or evidence of teeth grinding. Our dentists can also use our cone beam CT scan to look for issues with your sinuses and your airway if they suspect apnea.

You should see one of our dentists right away if you are experiencing these sleep apnea symptoms:

  • Loud, chronic snoring
  • Excessive sleepiness during the day
  • Insomnia
  • Waking frequently throughout the night
  • Frequent lack of focus
  • Moodiness
  • Headaches

There’s more to apnea than these unpleasant symptoms, though. Research has also linked it to several serious health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

Don’t take risks with your health! If you think you may have sleep apnea in Oakmont, call Oakmont Advanced Dentistry at 412-206-6825 or request an appointment online.

Common Questions About Sleep Apnea
Can sleep apnea kill you?

While it sounds dramatic to say so, sleep apnea has been linked to several serious health conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. Left untreated, these conditions can negatively impact your health. Studies have also shown that sleep apnea sufferers are up to five times more likely to have car accidents than those without the disorder.

Why does sleep apnea make you tired?

If you have obstructive sleep apnea, your airway will become blocked multiple times a night – often when your tongue or other soft tissue relaxes. When your airway is blocked, you stop breathing. This causes you to briefly awaken (often gasping for air, which can startle a bed partner). With all these interruptions, you don’t get enough of the deep sleep you need to feel rested.

Is sleep apnea common?

Yes. This disruptive, dangerous, and potentially deadly condition impacts millions of Americans each year. That’s why our dental office practices sleep dentistry. Since snoring usually accompanies sleep apnea, our treatment focuses on stopping your snoring with an oral appliance. It fits over your teeth and gently pushes your lower jaw forward to stop your snoring and keep your airway open to help prevent sleep apnea.