Let Your Smile Shine This Holiday With Professional Whitening

Have you covered everything on your list this holiday season? There’s always a lot to think about, whether that’s shopping for a big meal, getting the family gifts before the store runs out of them, or buying a new outfit for the holiday dinner. If you haven’t considered your smile, now’s the right time to get sparkling teeth with professional whitening.

See what our fast whitening solutions can do for you this holiday season. Then call 412-206-6825 to get into our office ASAP – December appointments run out fast.

1. Helps You Look Younger

When you consider your favorite celebrity, chances are they seem to age slowly. Part of the reason is likely because of their white teeth. Bright teeth convey youthfulness because teeth stain as we age. We’ve heard from many a patient who says they felt like they knocked years off their age because of their brighter smile.

2. Helps You Look Healthier

Along with creating youthful-looking teeth, whitening also makes your teeth – and you – look healthier. People associate dark, yellow, or brown teeth with oral health problems like decay. Even if the color of your teeth is simply a cosmetic issue, whitening them will help you look like you take care of your teeth and keep them clean.

3. Helps You Look Great in Photos

For the reasons listed above, you can feel proud to smile in photos this year – and there’s always the obligatory group photo and the candid ones that your younger relatives (or your older ones who love Facebook!) take. You won’t have to keep your lips closed, tell someone not to share the photo on social media, or look at it after it’s been posted wishing you hadn’t shown your teeth. You’ll feel proud and look happy!

And with a younger-looking smile, you’ll feel good about not looking a year older from last year’s online photo album.

4. Helps You Get Brighter Teeth Fast

We know people have different preferences, goals, and schedules. That’s why we offer two different types of whitening: in-office whitening and at-home whitening.

With in-office whitening, you can come to the office for 45 to 90 minutes and leave with teeth several shades whiter.

With home whitening, you can gradually whiten over a week or two to the shade you want while you’re doing what you need to get done, or just relaxing.

5. Gives You Better Results Than Store-Bought Whitening

Professional whitening contains a higher concentration of active ingredients than store-bought whitening. Zoom uses up to 40 percent hydrogen peroxide, which is significantly more than whitening toothpaste. To help counteract the whitening strength, it also contains ingredients that minimize sensitivity. By brightening your teeth up to eight shades, your white smile will last longer, too.

6. Makes a Good Impression

Going to a holiday party? Attending a Christmas Eve service? Meeting your future in-laws for the first time? Seeing extended family you haven’t seen in years? Ringing in the new year with friends? Whitening your teeth will help you look your best and make a great impression.

Let your smile shine bright this holiday season with professional whitening in Oakmont. To request an appointment at Oakmont Advanced Dentistry, call 412-206-6825 or contact us online. Remember, appointments go fast at the end of the year.