Enjoy Safe Treatment With Our COVID-19 Precautions

Our Oakmont, PA practice has always taken patient safety seriously. With concerns over coronavirus, we’ve added even more safety and hygiene protocols! You’ll notice many COVID-19 precautions on your next visit to our office.

For example, we are only admitting one patient at a time into our office. When you arrive for your appointment, we ask that you remain in your vehicle until a team member comes to take you inside. We will also measure your temperature before you enter. In addition to these measures we are:

  • Using a new state-of-the-art fogger system to reduce particulates in the air and to kill bacteria, viruses, and mold
  • Screening patients to ensure those with any symptoms of concern stay home
  • Having our team members change into their scrubs after arriving at our office to avoid any outside contamination
  • Using the powerful sanitizer CaviCide to disinfect surfaces after every patient

To request an appointment at Oakmont Advanced Dentistry, call 412-206-6825 or request an appointment online today.

Enjoy Safe Treatment With Our COVID-19 Precautions