Do I Need Gum Disease Treatment?

If you’re good about visiting the dentist every six months, you know that these appointments are so much more than just getting your teeth cleaned.

Your hygienist is also looking for any signs of trouble, like tooth decay and gum disease.

But we have special training and equipment to catch potential health threats in their earliest stages. You may not always see dental problems on your own when brushing and flossing at home.

You can still stay on top of your oral health in between your routine visits by knowing what to look for. Take today’s quiz to see if your gums are showing signs of infection so you can schedule gum disease treatment right away.

Keeping your mouth healthy and protecting your natural teeth for a lifetime is a team effort, after all!

Visit us in Oakmont, PA to get your oral health back on the right track. To request an appointment at Oakmont Advanced Dentistry, call 412-206-6825 today or contact us online.